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A TRS studio members exhibition. A group of our studio members have got together to explore what the term ‘Energy’ means to their art practice, ZESTY showcases the different interpretations of what this could mean to the individual artists involved in the show.

Zest / Zesty:

Great enthusiasm & energy.

A quality of excitement and piquancy.

The outer coloured part of the peel of citrus fruit, used as flavouring.

Using ‘energy’ as a prompt, we asked our featured studio members to define what energy meant to them in relation to their art practice, touching on a variety of different definitions and terms for what energy is, or could be.

‘‘I’ve been thinking about ‘‘energy’’ in the sense of the feeling /vibe/sense of place that can be provoked by an image (…) the ephemeral buzz you get off a first drink.’’

‘‘[We] tend to take things pretty literally, so for us, it would be about electricity/power sources. We could perform a series of mundane everyday household actions. Perhaps a wider comment on the current energy crisis throughout the UK. But also a comment on the absurdity of the capitalisation of basic human necessities.’’

‘‘My points around energy seem to be on the more visual/spiritual basis concerning human visual and metaphysical processing. A lot of emphasis is put on colour and also imagery and how certain things hold more interest when coupled together.’’

‘‘I feel like our internal energy is misdirected. I often question what’s real, and it would appeaer that everything is a construct to give off the importance of necessity while actually holding very little significance to the intrinsic value of existing as a human (…) I feel it would be much more peaceful if our energy was directed more towards connecting with our inner selves and the natural world.’’

Strength / animation / drive / fire / vibrancy / liveliness / dynamism / zest / zeal / exuberance /vigour / passion / stamina / vitality / oomph / enthusiasm / ardour /vivacity / potency / verve / spirit / push / power.

Featuring work from Laura Spark / Mia Cathcart / Ellie Towers / Lucy Archer / George Welsh / Ryan Murphy / Jason Hollis / Daniel O’Dempsey / Parice Bowyer / Nicole Stiff / Freddy Francké / Tilda Teekens.

May 13

A Preview of Marilynn

June 10

Ryan Murphy Presents 'Les fenêtres'